Hubs include three basic levels of access. Each level of access has standard permission sets. Standard permission sets are built to stack so that each role also contains the permission sets of the roles below it. Custom roles and permissions sets can be created for your organization, but the inclusion of these additional roles needs to be discussed and agreed upon during your hub kickoff meeting.

Add Members

You can add group members to your hub through the Hub Admin Panel. When you add a group to your hub, all group members will be listed as active members in your hub. To add hub members who are not associated with a group take the following steps. 

  1. Inside the Members tab of the Hub admin panel, select New and enter the following
  2. First and Last name of the member
  3. Email address
  4. Role: Administrator (hub admin) or Member (non-admin)
  5. Is active: Yes or No - Note that only active members will appear in your Hub Members section and receive hub notifications
  6. Display: Select a section where you would like this member to appear, or select none. 

Edit members

You can change a user's role or contact information using the Edit feature. 

  1. Inside the Members tab of the Hub admin panel, select a user
  2. Select Edit
  3. The edit tab will open and you can edit the user's role, status (active or not), and Display. 

Delete members

You can remove members from your hub even if they are members of a hub group. 

Deleted group members:

  • no longer receive hub notifications
  • no longer have access to hub content via LTI
  • no longer appear in Members display
  • no longer see the hub listed on their My Hubs page
  • no longer appear in your activity reports

User Roles and Permissions

System Admin  - The ISKME/OER Commons staff member who is assisting with the technical implementation of your hub. Permissions:

  • Create a new Hub
  • Add initial start-up packet including org-provided design content
  • Create Collections
  • Create sets of Collections
  • Create sets of Groups
  • Grant Hub Administrator permissions to designated user(s)
  • Offer technical support

Hub Administrator (Hub Admin) -The primary person(s) at your organization who maintains the Hub.

  • Edit hub settings (cover image, logo, title, tagline)
  • Associate Collections with the Hub
  • Associate Groups with the Hub
  • Manage members
  • Manage About content
  • Create and send announcements
  • Create new Hub groups and appoint group admins, as needed

Group Administrator  - Group admins manage groups. They can review and edit folders remove content, and add or remove users. For closed (private groups) the group admin is also responsible for approving new group members. See also Group Administrator Permissions

  • Manage group information: Logo, description, metadata
  • Control group privacy settings
  • Review and edit folders
  • Review and remove resource content from group folders
  • Add or remove group members (invite, approve, remove)
  • Full audit power over discussion threads (edit, add, remove discussion content)

Hub Member - Hub members are any hub and group members who are not designated as administrators.

  • Access hub collection content via LTI
  • Create and submit OER to groups
  • View and comment on draft and submitted resources in group
  • Start and participate in discussion threads
  • Add or remove content from folders
  • Create new group folders